
Dates: NOW 31 December 1999 - 31 December 2999

Visitor information



The Lighthouse
Trinity Buoy Wharf
64 Orchard Place
London E14 0JY
United Kingdom

The original Longplayer installation, running since 31 December 1999, is situated inside the lighthouse at Trinity Buoy Wharf.

It can also be heard at several public listening posts around the world including The Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London in the United Kingdom and the Long Now Foundation, San Francisco in the USA.

Recently temporary listening posts have been installed at St. Olav’s Festival, Trondheim, Norway; Future Everything Festival, Manchester, United Kingdom; The Science Museum climate change exhibition, London, United Kingdom; Curious Festival, Kings Cross, London, United Kingdom; The Azad Art Gallery, Tehran and various others venues across Iran. 

For Trinity Buoy Wharf:

Opening Hours

Visit trinitybuoywharf.com for up-to-date opening times and last minute schedule changes.


Free of charge, donations welcome.